During the past six months my wife and I were both working remotely. She always works at home and my company mandated remote working. We never had a problem. With dependable internet we’ve been able to install a security system for the first time giving us peace of mind when we are away from home. Critical Links set up a link from our main connection in the house to my shop.
We started using internet with dial-up. It was too slow and we switched to broadband internet with a local company. For the ten years we dealt with that company, customer service was pretty good. Then the company was sold and both a reliable signal and customer service disappeared. Suddenly we were “thrown back into the stone age.”
I’d known Jonathan and Dale for years. One day we were sitting around and I was complaining about how badly good internet was needed in rural areas of SW MO. Dale had technical knowledge and he and Jonathan talked about starting a company. No matter what they come up with, “it had to be better than what we have now.”
“From day one,” says customer # 1, “it was wonderful.”
Still, Critical Links works to improve the signal and their service. Once a big storm damaged the AT&T tower where Critical Links receives its signal. Immediately every CL customer received an email explaining what had happened. They had the signal back within 30 minutes. To top it off, there was a rebate for the down time in our next bill. A big difference from the last company. We would complain and nothing would happen.
Dale, always smiling while he’s working, says “I won’t leave until I get it going.”
During the past six months my wife and I were both working remotely. She always works at home and my company mandated remote working. We never had a problem. With dependable internet we’ve been able to install a security system for the first time giving us peace of mind when we are away from home. Critical Links set up a link from our main connection in the house to my shop.
I may have been friends with Dale and Jonathan and I was their first customer but all Critical Link customers benefit from a caring and accommodating relationship with this company. Here’s an example of Critical Links level of service. We had a large annual gathering and Critical Links upgraded our service for a weekend so all our guests had access to excellent internet. Our gathering was multi-generational and it was certainly a hit with the younger ones who were happy to know they weren’t isolated or having to use up expensive cellular minutes.
Our installation was done early in the year. When the trees leafed out, Dale called and said, “I’ve been watching your traffic and see a little bit of interference. I can make it better.” And he did.
If every company took care of their customers like Critical Links does, we would be a happier world.” I couldn’t not recommend them. I even got my parents to switch.