This company gets it. Dale was helpful in an installation that involved receiving the signal from Critical Links equipment and between the greenhouse and the house. He followed up and improved the services several times until both he and I was confident in the system.
Internet is vital in our business, but our options were very limited in this rural area. We explored all the options. Satellite was unreliable. Tethering to the phone was expensive and didn’t provide the consistency and range we needed. We require wifi and internet to monitor the conditions in the greenhouse.
This company gets it. Dale was helpful in an installation that involved receiving the signal from Critical Links equipment and between the greenhouse and the house. He followed up and improved the services several times until both he and I was confident in the system.
It is inevitable that a technology company may need to interrupt the service occasionally to upgrade, maintain, or make repairs. Critical Links is aware that the survival of the plants in the greenhouse depends on a consistent service and I trust that they will always contact and work with me so I’m not caught off guard.
We are about to begin online sales and will use internet to reach anywhere in the world.